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New Book

Growing Married by Karen Skerrett, PhD

Just Published!

I’m delighted to announce that my new book Growing Married: Creating Stories for a Lifetime of Love has just been published in February, 2022.

Growing Married offers a powerful approach to uncovering the positive potential within your relationship from the unique perspective of lifecycle change. Weaving together cutting-edge thinking, research and practical strategies, you’ll learn how to use your life experience and anticipated challenges as opportunities to re-story your relationship to focus on what matters most. Filled with reflection guides and exercises, this is a compassionate resource for partners trying to shape a lifetime of meaning, integrity and love.

Press Release

“Leading Psychologist Offers 5 Tips For Newlyweds”

Author Event

October 2 @ 2 PM

5112 Main Street, Downers Grove, IL

Join Anderson’s Bookshop for a Local Author Showcase with Karen Skerrett (Growing Married) on Sunday, October 2nd at 2pm CT at the Downers Grove bookshop.

Karen will speak about her new book and then there will be a signing line.

See what others are saying about Growing Married:


“Karen Skerrett gives us an empowering vision of what a good marriage is and can be. Brimming with clinical examples and based on the findings of her impressive research, Growing Married is a wise book and a valuable guide for couples at every stage of the life cycle.”

Daphne de Marneffe, Ph.D., author of the Rough Patch and Maternal Desire


“Imagine that you could have someone with scientific expertise, rich life experience, and boundless compassion provide you with guidance to improve your relationship. Karen Skerrett is that person and this book is her gift to you. A must for couples, therapists and anyone interested in the ingredients that go into successful relationships.”

Jefferson A. Singer, Ph.D., Faulk Foundation; Professor of Psychology, Connecticut College


“Karen Skerrett has written a wonderful book, full of the wisdom she has gained in more than 40 years of working with couples and researching their life stories. One of the most practical self-help books in the field of marriage enrichment.”

Arthur Nielsen, M.D., author of A Roadmap for Couple Therapy, Associate Clinical Professor of Psychiatry at Northwestern’s Feinberg School of Medicine.

Growing Married by Karen Skerrett, PhD

Coming soon to Barnes & Noble and Ingram.

For more information, or for interview or speaking requests, please contact me via the contact form on this page.

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1301 W. 22nd St. #715
Oak Brook, IL 60521
(630) 292-4108

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