Relationship Check-Ups
“Love is the quality of attention we pay to things.”
– J.D. McClatchy
The most common form of marital health care is the treatment for couples already in significant distress. We know that couples typically wait too long which only makes the process of healing more challenging. Why wait?
Checkups serve the function of routine maintenance, promotion of healthy habits and provide feedback for you to discover your unique strengths that promote the intimacy of your connection. Learning to cultivate a growth mindset will help you know what to pay attention to at particular points in the life of your relationship and keep you focused on what matters most.
Why Take a Couple Checkup?
Have you ever been told that eating right and getting exercise is good for your health? Of course, we’ve all heard this. But just hearing good advice seldom leads to action or lasting change.
Now imagine a doctor takes your blood pressure and tells you it is too high. Most people respond with “What do I do about this health issue?” You begin to seek knowledge and take action because of your personal test results. The likelihood of making lasting change is dramatically increased because of the assessment.
It is no different for your relationship. The problem with a lot of marriage education and counseling is that it consists of a great deal of “good advice”. But most couples either assume this advice is not really relevant to them or avoid having a conversation about how the issues fit them personally. Premarital couples have a tendency to minimize their issues, while married couples often avoid problems and hope they go away on their own.
Based on over 30 years of research and experience, this Couple Checkup allows you to harness the power of a relationship assessment which can help you gain understanding, increase productive conversations and take action that will lead to lasting growth. The single reason that marriages fail isn’t ‘bad communication’ but neglect.
The goals of a Checkup are:
- To take a current, in-depth look at your relationship
- Begin to identify your relationship strengths and issues needing attention
- Gain specific tools to help you address the issues targeted for change.
This checkup differs from standard online assessments in that I meet with each couple personally to interpret the assessment, make suggestions for change and provide a complimentary third 3-6 month follow-up.
A new parent?
Wondering if things could be better between the two of you?
Dealing with an illness or other life challenge?
Facing retirement?
These are just a few examples of the reasons couples take the Relationship Check-up.
Couples report that just going through the Check-up process helps them experience a greater sense of collaboration, cohesion and motivation to work toward common goals.
Is your relationship worth a 2-3 hour investment of your time?
Contact me with your questions or to set up and appointment.

1301 W. 22nd St. #715
Oak Brook, IL 60521